Properties This classical formula was created for Bladder meridian or Bladder organ dysfunctions, such as neck pain or lower back pain. Chinese Symptomology Fluid retention marked by headache, fever, thirst with vomiting after drinking water; disturbance in urination; edema, diarrhea, fluid-retention syndrome, dizziness, and a feeling of palpitation in the lower abdomen. Actions Strengthens Urinary Bladder function, promotes urination, helps drain and dry dampness, promotes the transforming functions of Qi. Pattern Fluid retention Channels Entered Bladder Ingredients Alisma rhizome, Poria sclerotium fungus, Polyporus sclerotium fungus, Red Atractylodes (cang zhu) rhizome, Cinnamon twig. Promotes urination, drains dampness, strengthems the Spleen, warms the yang, and promotes the transforming functions of qi*.
Far East Summit – Hoelen Five Formula
$25.00 – $250.00
Properties This classical formula was created for Bladder meridian or Bladder organ dysfunctions, such as neck pain or lower back pain. Chinese Symptomology Fluid retention marked by headache, fever, thirst with vomiting after drinking water; disturbance in urination; edema, diarrhea, fluid-retention syndrome, dizziness, and a feeling of palpitation in the lower abdomen. Actions Strengthens Urinary Bladder function, promotes urination, helps drain and dry dampness, promotes the transforming functions of Qi. Pattern Fluid retention Channels Entered Bladder Ingredients Alisma rhizome, Poria sclerotium fungus, Polyporus sclerotium fungus, Red Atractylodes (cang zhu) rhizome, Cinnamon twig. Promotes urination, drains dampness, strengthems the Spleen, warms the yang, and promotes the transforming functions of qi*.
Oz |
2 oz, 8 oz, 32 oz |
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