Bamboo 11 by Seven Forests, also known as Zhu Yuan Di Tan Pian, resolves phlegm, opens orifices, calms shen and vitalizes blood. It is used for depression, poor memory, and mental clouding.
Chinese Symptomology: Dull Expressions, Dizziness, Heavy Sensation of the Head
Western Symptomology: Unclear Thinking, Depression, Poor Memory, Abnormal Behavior, Involuntary Crying or Laughing
Actions: Resolve Phlegm, Open Orifices, Calm Shen, Vitalize Blood
Pattern: Depression, Difficulty with Mental Focus, Problems with Memory or Changes in Behavior
– Crying
– Depression
– Dizziness
– Head-Heaviness
– Involuntary Laughing
– Memory-Poor
– Mental Clouding
Bamboo 11 Ingredients: Bamboo Shavings, Bamboo Silicea, Curcuma, Pinellia, Acorus Rhizome, Polygala, Aurantium Immaturus, Coptis, Ligusticum, Amber, Peony (Red).
Suggested Use: Take 2 to 3 tablets, 3 times a day or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Consult your healthcare practitioner prior to using this product.
Keep out of reach of children.
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