Jade Screen by Plum Flower, also known as Yu Ping Feng Wan, assists your immune system by increasing and enhancing your immune response or Wei Qi. Wei Qi is your first level of defense against an external pathogen.
Jade Screen replenishes qi/energy and helps consolidate the body’s defense system. While western healers focus on treating illnesses once they occur, traditional Chinese herbalism focuses on continuously strengthening the overall health of an individual to help defend against future attacks. Yu Ping Feng Wan is one such formula that has been used for centuries by the Chinese to provide a protective “Jade Screen” for health-aware individuals.
• Recurrent common colds and flu
• Spontaneous sweating with little or no exertion
• Aversion to wind
• Chronic nasal discharge with copious clear mucus
• Shortness of breath
• Chronic respiratory weakness
• Tendency to itchy skin
• Pale, shiny complexion
• Digestive weakness
• Diarrhea
• Fatigue
• Listlessness
• Low and soft voice
Other Name: Jade Windscreen Formula, Yu Ping Feng San, Jade Screen Wind Pills
Ingredients (Pin Yin): Huang qi, Bai zhu- chao, Fang feng
Ingredients: Astragalus membranaceus root, Atractylodes macrocephala rhizome- bran-fried, Saposhnikovia divaricata root. Other ingredients: Hydrated magnesium silicate, Activated carbon, Dextrin, China wax.
Allergen Information: Contains wheat. Atractylodes/Bai zhu is processed with wheat bran, where the bran is sifted out during processing, and therefore may contain wheat
TCM Functions: Tonifies Wei Qi, Strengthens the Spleen, Stabilizes the Exterior, Stops Sweating
Standard Dosage: 8 pills, 3 x per day
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