Calm Wind by Plum Flower, also known as Tong Xie Yao Fang Wan, regulates your Liver organ system, tonifies your Spleen organ system and expels dampness.
• Benefits the nose
• Expels dampness
• Calms emotions
• Relieves congested Liver Organ System
• Relieves digestive issues
• Assists healthy elimination
Assists with:
• diarrhea
• looses bowel movements
• low appetite
• nausea
• bloating
• gas
• pain after eating
Ingredients (Pin Yin): Chao bai shao, Chao bai zhu, Chao chen pi, Fang feng
Ingredients: Paeonia lactiflora root-fried, Atractylodes macrocephala rhizome-fried, Citrus reticulata peel-fried, Saposhnikovia divaricata root. Other Ingredients: Activated carbon, Botanical wax, Talcum.
TCM Functions: Regulates the Liver, Tonifies the Spleen
Standard Dosage: 8 pills, 3 x per day
Contraindications (all): Contraindicated for conditions due to excess.
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