Five Ancestors by Plum Flower, also known as Wu Zi Yan Zong Wan, tonifies and nourishes your Kidney and Liver Organ Systems at the Jing or Essence level. A great benefit to taking this formula on a regular basis will be in assisting your eyesight and as a rejuvenating tonic addressing the general aging processes.
Five Ancestors is based on an ancient formula using the powerful potential locked away within five, famous Chinese Herbs.
• Low back pain or weakness
• Weak bladder
• Low sperm count
• Poor memory
• Adrenal burn-out
• Deficiency of Essence presenting with sexual or reproductive dysfunction
• Premature ejaculation
• Diminished sexual drive
• Impotence
• Infertility
Ingredients (Pin Yin): Gou qi zi, Tu si zi, Fu pen zi, Che qian zi, Wu wei zi
Ingredients: Lycium barbarum fruit, Cuscuta chinensis seed, Rubus chingii fruit, Plantago asiatica seed, Schisandra chinensis fruit
Other Ingredients: Activated carbon, Botanical wax, Talcum
TCM Functions: Tonifies the Kidneys, Nourishes Jing-essence, Benefits the Eyes
Standard Dosage: 8 pills, 3 x per day
Contraindications (all): Contraindicated for conditions due to damp-heat. Use with caution in cases of stagnation of phlegm or dampness.
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