Chien-li Tablets by Seven Forests, also known as known as Qian Li Ming Mu Pian, clarifies vision, clears heat and dispels wind. Chien-Li Tablets is recommended for those with clouding, swelling eyes, blurred vision, and excessive tearing.
Chinese Symptomology: Blurred Vision, Excessive Tearing, Ocular Swelling, Photosensitivity, Eye Infections
Western Symptomology: Cataracts, Nebulae
Actions: Clarify Vision, Clear Heat, Dispel Wind
– Eye Light Sensitivity
– Clouding Eyes
– Eyes-Swollen
– Excessive Tearing
– Blurred Vision
Chien-li Tablets Ingredients: Cordyceps Mycelium, Buddleia, Prinsepia, Lycium Fruit, Chrysanthemum, Eriocaulis (Chuan), Tribulus, Rehmannia (Cooked), Celosia Argentae Seed, Cornus, Vitex, Cnidium Fruit, Cassia Seed, Cuscuta Seed.
Suggested Use: Take 2 to 3 tablets, 3 times a day or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Consult your healthcare practitioner prior to using this product.
Keep out of reach of children.
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